
Bio-filtration/water harvest basin and litter collection device installation - Rofe Park, Hornsby Heights

This project involves the construction of a bio-filtration/water harvest basin and installation of a litter collection device in Cawthorne Avenue, Hornsby Heights.

The bio-filtration basin will treat storm water pollution such as nutrients and fine sediments. The litter collection device or gross pollutant trap (GPT) will capture and remove litter and organic matter from storm water pipe flows.

This project will also enhance habitat and encourage regeneration of native vegetation and improve the ecological health of the Rofe Park bushland corridor. The water harvested will be re-used to water the playing fields on Rofe Park thereby reducing the need to use water from Sydney Water.

The works are anticipated to take approximately 4 to 6 weeks dependent on the weather. Some minor traffic delays maybe incurred during construction, however, appropriate traffic control measures will be implemented to minimise disruption.



For all enquiries, please contact Simon Cornish on 9847 6877 or at SComish@hornsby.nsw.gov.au.