
Biofiltration Basin - Thomas Wilkinson Avenue, Dural

The attached design plan details a biofiltration basin, proposed for construction at the stormwater outlet located adjacent to No. 56, Thomas Wilkinson Avenue, Dural.

The biofiltration basin will enhance the ecological health of Georges Creek by improving water quality, habitat and minimise sediment and nutrients from entering the waterway.

Stormwater low flow from the existing drainage line will flow over the basin area and infiltrate through the sand filter and discharge into the creek. Suitable vegetation will also be planted in the basin and the surrounding area.

This project represents an innovative holistic approach of capturing and treating stormwater in a cost effective and a sustainable manner that will prevent urban pollution from entering the receiving waters of the Berowra Creek Estuary.

The project is part of the Catchment Remediation Program, funded by the Catchments Remediation Rate (CRR) which aims to improve water quality Shire-wide.



Bala Rajakaruna. Ph:9847 6881 (Project Designer)
Neil Keraunos. Ph: 9847 6752 (Environmental Scientist – Project Manager)