Infrastructure Works
Tell us what you think
Council recently completed road improvement works on the following street(s). If you were affected by these works (positively or negatively), tell us what you think.
- Low Street, Mount Kuring-Gai
- Yirra Road, Mount Colah
Current and Scheduled Works
Pennant Hills to Epping shared pathway (Section B) Beecroft
This project involves continued construction of the Pennant Hills to Epping Shared Pathway (Section B).
Victory Street, Asquith – Road Reconstruction
The proposed works include pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter and footpath construction, and drainage improvements.The aim of these works is to improve road user safety, and amenity, and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
Proposed Road Improvements Wideview Road, Berowra Heights
The proposed concept plans show construction of kerb and gutter, drainage, pavement improvements and tree planting.
Stage 1 Public Domain Upgrades – Asquith to Mt Colah
Making it safer and more enjoyable to walk and cycle along the Pacific Highway to shops and parks is one of our current priorities. Stage 1 upgrades will cover paths and planting works on the western side of the Pacific Highway between Amor Street in Asquith and Yirra Road in Mount Colah.
Edward Bennett Oval, Cherrybrook - Gross Pollutant Trap, Bio-filtration Basin & Stormwater Harvesting
The proposed works include installation of a Gross Pollutant Trap, bio-filtration basins and stormwater harvesting system.
Proposed Shared Path – Castle Hill Road, West Pennant Hills
This project involves removal of the existing 1.2m wide footpath and replacement with a new 2.5m wide shared path, including line marking between Victoria Road and Thompsons Corner.
Beecroft to Cheltenham Shared Pedestrian / Cycleway Path – Route B
The project involves construction of a shared path between Beecroft and Cheltenham Railway Stations (Route B) and is to be fully off-road with raised boardwalk sections to minimise impact to existing trees, in addition to providing this pathway Council will also upgrade The Crescent to improve stormwater drainage, construct kerb and gutter (railway side only) and install designated pedestrian crossing points.
Proposed Works
Proposed Galston Major Drainage Upgrade
Council is currently carrying out further site investigations and developing detailed design plans and costings for a major stormwater drainage upgrade in Galston, particularly in the areas around Glen Street, The Knoll, Gardiner Road and The Glade.
Proposed Drainage Improvements Rosamond Street, Hornsby
The aim of these works would be to improve drainage condition, road user safety, and reduce maintenance in this residential street.
Proposed Drainage Improvements Carrington Road, Hornsby
The aim of these works would be to improve drainage condition, road user safety, and reduce maintenance in this residential street.
Derribong Place, Thornleigh – Gross Pollutant Trap
The proposed works include installation of a Gross Pollutant Trap and diversion weir in Larool Creek off Derribong Place, Thornleigh.
Proposed pedestrian safety improvements - Beechwood Parade, Cherrybrook
This project involves upgrading the existing intersection by reconstructing the existing splitter islands to better accommodate pedestrians crossing the roadway.
Proposed Intersection improvements – Bayfield Rd, Galston
This project involves upgrading the existing intersections at each end of Bayfield Road through realignment, sealing of road pavement and installing new line marking and signs.
Proposed Footpath Improvements - 2024/25 Program
New footpaths are proposed for following locations in the 2024/25 financial year.
Completed Works
Hornsby Station Footbridge – Remedial Maintenance
The project works involved paint repairs and additional corrosion protection for the steel elements on the footbridge. New down pipes were also installed on the roof to improve overall drainage.
Peats Ferry Road Median Planting Maintenance Works
Council undertook maintenance works on the garden beds in the medians on Peats Ferry Road, opposite Hornsby Park.
Peats Ferry Road Main Street Upgrade Works (Old Berowra Road – Wattle Street)
Works to upgrade Peats Ferry Road were completed in August 2023.
Road Reconstruction - Wall Avenue, Asquith
This project involved pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction, drainage improvements, new footpath construction and tree planting along Wall Avenue between Mills Avenue and Rupert Street.
Ron Payne Park, North Epping Proposed Bio-Filtration Basin and Water Harvesting
The works included construction of a biofiltration basin with water harvesting.
Road reconstruction project - Colah Road, Mount Colah (Stage 2)
This project involved pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction, drainage improvements and a new footpath for Colah Road (Eastern End).
Road Reconstruction Project Arcadia Road, Galston – Stage 2 works (The Glade to Martin Road)
This project involved road pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction and drainage improvements from The Glade to Martin Road.
Shared Path – Edgeworth David Avenue and Palmerston Road
The project involved removal of the existing footpath and constructing a new 2.5m wide shared path, Edgeworth David Avenue and Palmerston Road between Romsey Street and Hornsby Hospital, in Hornsby and Waitara.
Bio-filtration & Creek line Works, Nirimba Avenue Reserve, North Epping
This project involved improvements to the existing drainage channel and construction of a bio-filtration basin.
Gross Pollutant Trap – Margaret Avenue, Hornsby Heights
This project involved the installation of a litter collection device at Margaret Avenue, Hornsby Heights (opposite No.8 Margaret Avenue).
Shared Path – Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby
This project involved removal of existing footpath and 2.5m wide shared path construction.
Intersection of Duffy Avenue, Chilvers Road and The Esplanade
This project involved the final stage for the upgrade of the intersection of Duffy Avenue, Chilvers Road and The Esplanade, Thornleigh.
Gross Pollutant Trap, Biofiltration and Water Harvesting Basin - Harris Road, Normanhurst (Normanhurst Park)
This project involved construction of in-ground Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) and biofiltration and water harvesting system located in Normanhurst Park and Bushland, opposite to 43 Harris Road, Normanhurst.
Road reconstruction project - Colah Road, Mount Colah (Stage 1)
This project involved pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction, drainage improvements and new footpath for the of Colah Road in 2 stages.
Road works Arcadia Crescent, Berowra
This project involved road pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction and drainage improvements for the full length of Arcadia Crescent.
Reddy Park, Hornsby Gross Pollutant Trap
This project involved the installation of a gross pollution trap and short length of stormwater drainage pipe in Reddy Park, Hornsby (at the rear of No.35 Pretoria Parade).
Old Beecroft Road, Cheltenham
This project involved pedestrian refuge island installed at Beecroft Road, kerb and gutter construction and footpath reconstruction from Beecroft Road to No.26.
40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) and Public Domain Improvements, Pennant Hills
This project involved the installation of a number of traffic control devices at strategic locations as well as implementing 40km/h speed zones to improve pedestrian safety in the area.
Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby (Safety Fencing)
This project involved the proposed installation of pedestrian safety fencing in Edgeworth David Avenue from Pacific Highway to Albert Street, Hornsby.
Berowra Parade, Berowra
This project involved construction of kerb and gutter and kerb side footpath on Berowra Parade between the Berowra RSL and The Gully Road, Berowra.
Biofiltration Basin - Thomas Wilkinson Avenue, Dural
Biofiltration basin Adjacent to No. 56, Thomas Wilkinson Avenue, Dural
Pedestrian Refuge Island - Old Berowra Road, Hornsby
This project involved construction of a raised pedestrian refuge island in Old Berowra Road, Hornsby opposite Storey Park.
Roadworks - Old Telegraph Road, Maroota
This project involved minor regrading and sealing of the existing central pavement in Old Telegraph Road from No.205 Old Telegraph Road to Roberts Road.
Jubilee Street, Wahroonga
This project involved removal of the existing raised platform in Jubilee Street near the intersection with Edgeworth David Avenue.
Lord Street, Mt Colah
This project involved road pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction and drainage improvements between Royston Parade and the eastern end.
Litter Collection Device - Bowen Close, Cherrybrook
This project involved construction of a litter collection device at the stormwater outlet located, end of Bowen Close, Cherrybrook.
Sherbrook Road Asquith – Pedestrian Crossing Construction
This project involved replacement of the existing crossing and the construction of new kerb blisters between 121 and 150 Sherbrook Road Asquith.
Hornsby Water Sculpture Revitalisation
Council proposed to upgrade the stormwater infrastructure in Woodcourt Road downstream from Elizabeth Street and along Patrick Place at Berowra Heights.
Kerb and gutter, drainage and footpath works - Gray Street, Mt Colah
This project involved construction of kerb and gutter, stormwater drainage and new footpath in Gray Street, Mt Colah between Berowra Road and Colah Street.
Pedestrian Refuge Island - Stevens Street, Pennant Hills
This project involved the installation of a new pedestrian refuge island at the intersection of Stevens Street and Westwood Street, Pennant Hills.
Bio-filtration/water harvest basin and litter collection device installation - Rofe Park, Hornsby Heights
This project involved the construction of a bio-filtration/water harvest basin and installation of a litter collection device in Cawthorne Avenue, Hornsby Heights.
Road Reconstruction – Bushlands Avenue, Hornsby Heights
This project involves pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction, and footpath reconstruction for the full length of Bushlands Avenue.
Road Improvements – Varna Street, Mount Colah (Full Length)
The proposed works will include construction of kerb and gutter, drainage, pavement improvements and some minor landscaping.
Proposed Litter Collection Device – Oorin Road, Hornsby Heights
This project involves installation a gross pollutant trap (GPT).
Bolton Ave, Mt Colah - Kerb and Gutter Works
This project involves kerb and gutter construction as well as some minor drainage works and pavement reconstruction.
Road Improvements – Arcadia Road, Galston
Proposed Road Improvements – Arcadia Road, Galston (between Martin Road and School Road) include construction of kerb and gutter, drainage, pavement improvements and some minor landscaping.
Road Improvement Works – Cobah Road, Fiddletown (Perry Road to 77 Cobah Road)
This project involves pavement widening, pavement reconstruction, drainage improvements, and tree pruning. The aim of these works is to improve road user safety, amenity and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
Normanhurst Station Upgrade
Transport for NSW is upgrading Normanhurst Station to make it easier for everyone to access public transport, including people with a disability or limited mobility, parents/carers with prams and customers with luggage.
For Project details please refer to; Normanhurst Station Upgrade | Transport for NSW
Thornleigh Station Upgrade
Transport for NSW is upgrading Thornleigh Station to make it easier for everyone to access public transport, including people with a disability or limited mobility, parents/carers with prams and customers with luggage.
For Project details please refer to; Thornleigh Station Upgrade | Transport for NSW
Hornsby Commuter Car Park
Transport for NSW is delivering the Hornsby Commuter Car Park with around 140 parking spaces to provide you with more convenient access to public transport and to help ease the congestion on our roads.
Waitara Station Upgrade
The NSW Government is improving accessibility at Waitara Station. For Project details please refer to: Waitara Station Upgrade | Transport for NSW
Beecroft Station Upgrade
The NSW Government is improving accessibility at Beecroft Station. For Project details please refer to; Beecroft Station Upgrade | Transport for NSW
Malton Rd, North Epping Pedestrian Refuge Island and Kerb Ramps
This project involves installation of a pedestrian refuge and associate footpath and kerb ramps at the corner of Malton Rd and Norfolk Rd North epping.
Gross Pollutant Trap – Water Street, Hornsby
The proposed works include installation of a Gross Pollutant Trap and stormwater diversion pipes, as well as construction of stormwater pits.
Proposed Road Improvements Low Street, Mount Kuring-Gai
The proposed concept plans show works would include construction of kerb and gutter, low level retaining wall, drainage, pavement improvements and tree planting.
Drainage Improvement works – Wareemba Avenue & Bungowen Avenue, Thornleigh
The proposed works include upsizing of existing stormwater pipes and construction of stormwater pits. The aim of these works is to improve stormwater drainage and reducing flooding during major storm events.
Proposed pedestrian crossing upgrade - Tecoma Drive, Glenorie
This project involves upgrading the existing children’s crossing at Glenorie Public School to a full-time marked pedestrian crossing with new kerb ramps and footpath.