Great North Walk Upgrades Berowra to Cowan
This project involves walking track upgrades to sections of the Great North Walk (GNW) between Berowra and Cowan including formalising the Alston Drive to GNW feeder track.
In July 2022, Council publicly exhibited the proposal and sought feedback from residents and community groups regarding upgrades to sections of the Great North Walk (GNW) between Berowra and Cowan including formalising the Alston Drive to GNW ‘feeder track’ (Section 6). Consultation with the community has provided overall positive feedback.
The aim of this upgrade is to improve inclusiveness, encourage seniors, families, new users and social interaction. Also, to improve connectivity to the Great North Walk (GNW) by improving leader tracks and links from the urban area to the natural area by providing clearly defined track heads and wayfinding signage.
An independent ecologist has undertaken the appropriate environmental assessment for proposed upgrades. Some sections of the GNW are on Muogamarra Nature Reserve and Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) land which requires further conditions and approval to be resolved.
The primary approved scope of work for upgrades is focused on Section 5 & Section 6 including:
- Sandstone steps constructed to suit the existing trail conditions
- Directional markers and track head signage
- Track alignment adjustments (Section 6)
- Vegetation and drainage management
Upgrades to remaining sections (starting with Section 4) will be undertaken pending future funding and approvals.
- Works on Section 6 are scheduled to start on 24th October 2022, finishing in January 2023, weather pending.
- Works on Section 5 are scheduled to start in February 2023, finishing in March 2023, weather pending.
- During works and/or during helicopter operations the relevant track section will be closed.
- Track users will be advised of closures and detours with signs installed throughout the area.
- GNW Upgrades Berowra to Cowan – Concept Plan Full Set (PDF 7.7MB)
- Letter to residents – Outcome – GNW Upgrades Berowra to Cowan (PDF458 KB)
- GNW Detour Sign – May 2023 (PDF 2.6MB)
For enquiries, please contact David Green on 9847 6851 or email: