Get ready for a risky bush fire season

Hornsby Shire residents are being urged to prepare for a bush fire season that is shaping up to be more dangerous than most.
The official bush fire season has already started, one month earlier than usual, due to the dry winter and ongoing drought conditions throughout the state.
Even before the official season started the Rural Fire Service was very busy, with more than 2,000 bush and grass fires across New South Wales in August.
“There are many great benefits to living in the Bushland Shire, but it also comes with a significant risk,” Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock said.
“It is inevitable that we will once again have to face a bush fire, if not this year then at some point in the future, and all residents need to be prepared.”
Yesterday Mayor Ruddock met with NSW Rural Fire Service Inspector Rolf Poole at the District Fire Control Centre to discuss fire season preparations.
“It was very heartening to see how ready they are for what could be a very difficult summer,” Mayor Ruddock said.
“Council has a very strong partnership with the RFS and we are eager to support their excellent work.
“Every year the RFS volunteers put their lives on the line to protect us and our property, so we owe it to them to make the job easier by getting ready for the bush fire season.”
The ideal time to take action is Get Ready Weekend on 22 and 23 September.
“Get Ready Weekend is a chance for residents to do their bit, by being prepared to protect their family and property in the event of a fire,” Inspector Poole said.
“It is also an opportunity to get to know your local Brigade.
“Preparing for bush fires is easier than people may think. It could be as simple as talking to your family about what you would do if a bush fire was to start near them.”
Throughout Get Ready Weekend events will be taking place at Arcadia, Berowra, Berowra Waters, Cherrybrook, Dural and Westleigh. Visit for full details.
IMAGE: Mayor Ruddock and Inspector Poole at the District Fire Control Centre.