New masterplan to revitalise Hornsby by creating a thriving town centre with thousands of new homes and jobs

An ambitious masterplan to revitalise Hornsby Town Centre will facilitate thousands of new homes and jobs and strengthen Hornsby’s role as the major centre of the Bushland Shire.
Endorsed for exhibition at last night’s Council meeting, the Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan was prepared by a multidisciplinary consultant team led by renowned Sydney architects Cox Architecture.
The masterplan reflects Council’s vision to create a thriving town centre that reflects its bushland setting, is economically diverse, excellently designed, liveable and sustainable.
“Hornsby is the heart of the Shire where thousands of people live, work, learn, shop, and relax. It’s our major transport hub. We’re excited that our new masterplan outlines a framework to revitalise and elevate its town centre, transforming it into a thriving destination. This masterplan will facilitate the creation of 4,500 new homes and 5,000 new jobs by 2036
“By concentrating future development in the Hornsby Town centre, we can revitalise it and meet our long term dwelling targets set by the state government which in turn makes sure we can better protect our local neighbourhoods and the bushland setting of our Shire.
“We are focused on creating a sustainable, healthy and liveable town centre,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock.
Some of the key features of the masterplan include:
- Residential towers to provide 4,500 new homes including around 470 affordable homes
- Low emissions buildings to support Council’s target of net zero emissions by 2050
- Support for employment to create 5,000 new jobs
- A new multi-purpose community facility including a library
- A network of green and connected public spaces that reinforce the Bushland Shire identity including:
- A new town square next to Hornsby Mall (near the water fountain)
- A new open space park on the corner of Burdett and George Street.
- An expanded and reconfigured Cenotaph Park
- A new plaza on rail land in Jersey Street
- A revamped transport hub and improved traffic, parking and a second pedestrian link across the rail corridor
- A hotel and seniors housing at Hornsby RSL
- Better connections for walking and cycling to support activetransport including improved links to Hornsby Park.
The Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan aligns with the priorities of North District Plan which identifies Hornsby Town Centre as a strategic centre. It is also consistent with our local strategic plans to create a connected centre, facilitate future housing, promote design excellence, reduce urban sprawl, promote active transport and create new public places and spaces.’
“In preparing this masterplan we consulted extensively with the community and key stakeholder groups to make sure it reflects their needs and priorities,” continued Mayor Ruddock.
“We’re now looking forward to hearing what the community thinks. I encourage everyone to read the masterplan on our website, attend a drop-in session at Hornsby Library, ask us questions and give us your feedback.”
The Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan will be on public exhibition from 20 July - 30 September 2022. Have your say at
Also at last night’s meeting Council:
- Received an update from Mayor Ruddock on Council’s response to the recent floods. Mayor Ruddock acknowledged the significant contribution of the State Emergency Services, Rural Fire Service, Police and other emergency teams. He noted that the Australian and NSW Governments have announced a grant of $1 million for flood affected Councils so we can get on with the job of cleaning up
- Adopted the 2022/23-2031/32 Long Term Financial Plan
- Received a report on the status of investments and borrowings
- Adopted the Disability Inclusion Action Plan
- Resolved not to support a planning proposal for 679-685 Old Northern Road, Dural
- Resolved to support a planning proposal for No. 7 City View Road, Pennant Hills
- Resolved to support a planning proposal for High Street and Ashley Street
- Resolved to undertake a cost benefit analysis which considers the re-purposing of the Council depot at Galston and adjacent site
- Received a Mayoral Minute on the passing of much-respected Pennant Hills resident Mr Peter Waite.
The full agenda of the meeting, along with details of each item discussed, is available at The video recording of the meeting will be available from tomorrow afternoon.
Image: Concept image of Hornsby Mall, the multipurpose community facility and Hornsby Square