Council advances Affordable Housing Strategy for Hornsby Shire

Hornsby Shire Council last night sealed its long-term commitment to addressing housing stress in the community by endorsing the Hornsby Affordable Housing Strategy, a crucial document aimed at meeting the growing need for affordable housing within the Shire.
The Affordable Housing Strategy provides a comprehensive framework for planning, facilitating, and advocating for affordable homes for purchase and rent.
It draws upon housing market trends, demographic and household analysis, and economic considerations. Actions across the public and private sectors are also provided for the delivery of more market rental, affordable, and social housing. Emphasis is placed on key workers, acknowledging the value of the many types of individuals and households that make up the current and future Shire community.
The Strategy also supports the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme, which came into effect with the recent changes in planning controls for the Hornsby Town Centre, setting specific rates for the provision of affordable housing.
“We are acutely aware that housing is a major concern to our residents. The Affordable Housing Strategy, along with the NSW Government’s recently announced Transport Oriented Development Program, will play a key role in shaping the future of housing in the Shire, ensuring affordable housing options are accessible for residents now and in the future,” said Mayor Waddell.
Mayor Waddell went on to say that in delivering affordable housing for the community, there needs to be a whole of government approach.
“While our Affordable Housing Strategy focuses on actions that we can initiate, this issue requires a coordinated response by all levels of government. We look to the state and federal governments to support us in the delivery of this strategy through a legislative and policy framework, funding assistance and the management of social housing and crisis accommodation.”
The Affordable Housing Strategy was publicly exhibited for a month, during which time it received valuable feedback from the community. In response, Council made minor amendments to the Strategy to enhance clarity and accuracy and is now available to view at
Also at last night’s meeting, Council:
- Adopted the Community Engagement Strategy
- Endorsed the Heritage and Housekeeping Planning Proposal as amended
- Endorsed the updated prioritisation matrix and project inclusions as part of the SRV allocations for Shared Paths
- Resolved to approve the establishment of a Special Entertainment Precinct in the Hornsby Town Centre within the footprint of the Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan
- Following a notice of motion by Councillor Greenwood, resolved to write to Transport for NSW and Local Members of Parliament requesting that they prioritise landscape amenity improvements to the New Line Road/County Drive and New Line Road/Boundary Road roundabouts
- Following a notice of motion by Councillor Tilbury, resolved to write to the Minister for Transport NSW and Transport for NSW to undertake an urgent safety assessment on the intersection of Beecroft Road and Kirkham Street
- Following a notice of motion by Councillor McIntosh, resolved to write to the Minister for Transport NSW, Minister for Regional Transport and Roads NSW and the State Member for Wahroonga urging for them to prioritise signalisation of the busy intersection surrounding Loreto Normanhurst
- Following a notice of motion by Councillor McIntosh, resolved to undertake a review of the current events program
- Was presented a certificate of appreciation from Hornsby Relay For Life in recognition of its support for the important community event.
The full agenda of the meeting, along with details of each item discussed, can be found at The video recording of the meeting will be available from Friday afternoon.