Our Organisation
Hornsby Shire Council is made up of two units and four divisions:
Strategy and Place Unit, which includes Place Management, Strategy, and Communications and Engagement.
Risk, Audit and Business Improvement Unit, which includes Internal Audit, Business Improvement, and Risk and Insurance
Corporate Support Division, which includes Finance and Asset Management, People and Culture, Information, Communication and Technology, Land and Property and Governance and Customer Service.
Community and Environment Division, which includes Community Services, Libraries, Natural Resources, Parks, Trees and Recreation, and Waste and Cleansing.
Planning and Compliance Division, which includes Strategic Land Use Planning, Hornsby Town Centre, Development Assessments, and Compliance, Regulatory and Certification.
Infrastructure and Major Projects Division, which includes Major Projects, Design and Construction, Traffic Engineering, Asset Works, and Aquatics* (Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre, Galston Aquatic and Leisure Centre, Brickpit).
For more information, see the Management page or download the Organisational Structure - 33kb.
*A longer term transition place of Aquatics to Community and Environment Division.