
Strategic Framework

Every NSW council is required to undertake long term planning.

Our community’s aspirations are based on extensive community engagement and direction from State and Regional Plans, Strategies and Priorities.

Strategic Framework with Planning

Integrated Planning and Reporting framework

The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework, legislated by the NSW Government, begins with the community’s, not council’s, aspirations for a period of at least ten years.

Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Hornsby Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets out a 20-year vision for managing growth and change. The planning priorities identified within the LSPS will help guide land use decisions and earmark changes to our local land use plans, strategies and policies over the next 20 years.

The LSPS helps to translate the Vision and priorities and aspirations expressed in the CSP, and other strategies, into specific land use planning actions.

Local Housing Strategy 2020

Sets out the priorities, actions and capacity for housing in Hornsby Shire.

Local Environmental Plan

Council’s main planning instrument, outlining what can be developed in the Shire.

Development Control Plan

Supports the Local Environmental Plan and provides guidelines for development.

Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plans

Sets an administrative framework to ensure that adequate community infrastructure is provided to meet the demands generated by new development.