
Fees and charges

Fees and Charges 2024/25

The Fees and Charges 2024/25 (PDF 10MB) were adopted by Council on 12 June 2024. These fees will take effect from 1 July 2024.


Abandoned Vehicles

  • Light vehicles
  • Heavy vehicles

Car Share Parking

  • Car Share and Electric Vehicle Parking / Parking Management
  • Dinghy and Watercraft Storage
  • Paid Parking - Wisemans Ferry
  • Commercial Wharf/Ramp/Loading Dock Usage


  • Wisemans Ferry
  • Brooklyn

Community Services

  • Coronation StrEat! (Hornsby)
  • Community and Cultural Development activities
  • Community Stage Hire
  • Pop-up shop space
  • Hornsby Art Prize
  • Home Modification Services

Community Venues

  • Arcadia Community Centre
  • Baden Powell Hall (Brooklyn)
  • Beatrice Taylor Hall (Hornsby)
  • Beecroft Community Centre
  • Berowra Community Centre
  • Brooklyn Community Meeting Room
  • Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre
  • Cowan Community Centre
  • Dangar Island Community Centre
  • Galston Community Centre
  • Glenorie Community Centre
  • Hawkins Hall (Thornleigh)
  • Hornsby Leisure and Learning Centre
  • Hornsby Heights Community Centre
  • Hornsby Youth and Family Centre
  • Mount Colah Community Centre
  • Mount Kuring-gai Community Centre
  • Pennant Hills Community Centre
  • Pennant Hills Leisure and Learning Centre
  • Storey Park Community Centre (Asquith)
  • Thornleigh Community Centre
  • Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre (Hornsby)
  • Wisemans Ferry Community Centre
  • Miscellaneous charges


  • Gutter crossings
  • Vehicular crossings
  • Laybacks
  • Adjusting Utility Services
  • Concrete sawing
  • Miscellaneous
  • Tender documents


  • Commercial filming

Financial Services

  • Interest on overdue rates
  • Section 603 Certificate
  • Rate notice copies
  • Dishonoured payment
  • Credit card surcharge


  • Subpoenas
  • Council reports and minutes
  • Requests for information (GIPA)
  • Copying


Hornsby Mall

  • Busking
  • Display stalls and activities
  • Vehicular access
  • Events
  • Outdoor dining areas
  • Markets
  • Shire wide street vending


Major Events

Materials Handling


  • Berowra Waters water supply
  • Directional signs

Natural Resources

  • Biosecurity Certificate
  • Resources
  • Expert opinions
  • Bar Island Certificate
  • Mountain bike track hire
  • Vegetation offset

Planning and Building

Development services

  • Pre-Lodgement
  • Development Applications
  • Modification of a development consent
  • Review of a determination
  • Advertising / notification of a Development Application
  • Development requiring concurrence of another government authority
  • Integrated development
  • Amended application plans
  • Extension of consent period
  • Developer Contributions – Sections 7.11 and 7.12
  • Other approvals and permits
  • NSW Government planning reform fee
  • Miscellaneous fees
  • Bonds and levies
  • Services

Building services

  • Construction Certificates
  • Complying Development Certificates
  • Mandatory building inspections
  • Occupation Certificates
  • Building Certificate applications
  • Swimming pools
  • Miscellaneous building services fees

Subdivision services

  • Construction Certificates
  • Inspections
  • Bonding of works
  • Subdivision Certificate - linen release
  • Miscellaneous subdivision items

Strategic Planning services

  • Zoning Certificates
  • Amendment of Environmental Planning Instrument
  • Voluntary Planning Agreements
  • Sale of publications / plans / maps
  • Copying

Property Services

  • Maps
  • GIS
  • Outdoor dining (excluding Hornsby Mall)
  • Property Services


Regulatory Services

  • Unattended items
  • Companion animals
  • Environmental protection inspections and notices
  • Onsite sewage management
  • Environmental planning and assessment
  • Notices and Orders Searches under the Local Government and Environmental Planning and Assessment Acts
  • 88G Certificate
  • Public health inspections

Road Openings

  • ROP Conditions
  • Service Authorities and Plumbers/Drainers/Owners/Builders

Rural Fire Service Facilities Hire

  • Westleigh
  • Berowra

Traffic and Road Safety

  • Private carpark management fees
  • Line marking of driveways
  • Construction zone signs
  • Crane and container permits
  • Dangar Island Vehicle Permit
  • Impounding of items other than vehicles
  • Supply of photograph (traffic matter)
  • Traffic Management Plans/Road closures


  • Tree Inspections
  • Tree offset actions

Waste Management

  • Commercial garbage and recycling
  • Domestic waste
  • Street sweeper hire
  • Emergency sullage removal
  • Hire of vehicle on Dangar Island
  • Abandoned and/or Unattended Trolleys
  • Promotional items
  • Bin hire - public events
  • Workshop/talk/seminar