Home Support and Aged Care Services
There are a range of services in Hornsby Shire to assist our older residents including home care, meal deliveries and assistance with shopping and domestic services.
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit the website www.myagedcare.gov.au for information about what’s available and how to get help to;
Speech or hearing help - call the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 200 422.
Language help - call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for 1800 200 422. Information on My Aged Care in other languages.
My Aged Care Service Finder - Find services working in your local area including help with cleaning, showering, meals, minor home maintenance, home modifications, respite breaks, nursing care, dementia carer help, social support, transport, allied health, podiatry and psychologists.
All services need a referral from My Aged Care – call 1800 200 422
Hornsby Community Information Directory - Find more services and support groups for seniors in the Hornsby area.
Dementia Services - List of organisations providing services and support to dementia sufferers and their carers.
Research suggests that as many as 50,000 older people in NSW may have experienced some form of abuse. The majority of alleged abusers are trusted family members, neighbours, friends or paid carers.
The NSW Elder Abuse Helpline and Resource Unit offers a free service that provides information, support and referrals relating to the abuse of older people living in the community across NSW.
Visit www.elderabusehelpline.com.au or call 1800 628 221.
Aged Care Complaints - more information
If you are not satisfied with the level of aged care service, quality or manner in which it is provided you can lodge a complaint with the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner;
Mail: GPO Box 9848 Sydney 2000
Phone: 1800 550 552
Website: www.agedcarecomplaints.gov.au
Commonwealth Home Support Programme - Sector Support and Development Project Northern Sydney Region
The project works with Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers, inclusive of Aboriginal Aged Service Providers and the Aboriginal community in the Northern Sydney Region. The project aims to facilitate access to aged care services and build the capacity of providers by;
- promoting collaboration and partnerships,
- contributing guidance and encouraging peer support on new sector management and service delivery models and
- supporting the resolution of issues as providers transition
In addition the project will provide sector support and development by ;
- Liaising with Aboriginal health sector providers.
- Participating in Aboriginal community events to provide information and referral.
- Promoting the Commonwealth Home Support Programme to the Aboriginal Community.
- Raising issues with the Commonwealth Home Support Programme that affect Aboriginal service providers and their community.
- Consulting with Aboriginal Communities and service providers.
Hornsby Shire Council carries out home modifications to assist the frail aged and their carers.
What is the service?
The service provides small-scale modification and maintenance works that assist frail aged or people who care for them. Its aim is to allow people to continue living safely in their own homes for as long as possible.
Who can receive the service?
You must be living in the local government areas of Hornsby or Ku-ring-gai.
How does it operate?
The work is completed by professional licensed carpentry and plumbing contractors with many years experience in the building trade. The work may include the following:
- Grab rails
- Hand rails
- Outside rails
- Hand-held showers
- Ramps/wedges
- Bed/chair and risers
- Maintenance work including minor plumbing and carpentry
What will it cost to receive this service?
The cost of modifications is income assessed. Maintenance is charged at an hourly rate plus the full cost of materials.
Estimates are prepared before work starts and the client advised of the cost. A limited subsidy is available and the costs can be negotiated according to financial circumstances.
Advantages of using the Service
- Specialist in home safety;
- Serving the local community for more than 20 years;
- Insured and licenced subcontractors perform the work;
- Written contracts are signed where costs exceed $1,000;
- Guaranteed quality product warranties;
- Government regulated and compliant with Australian Standards;
- Allied Health preferred provider.
How can I request this service?
All individual requests for modifications and maintenance must be referred by My Aged Care. To inquire about a referral phone My Aged Care 1800 200 422 or visit myagedcare.gov.au.
Translating and Interpreting Service ring 131 450 and ask for My Aged Care 1800 200 422.
National Relay Service call 1800 555 677 and ask for My Aged Care 1800 200 422.
More information
- Home Modification Fees Policy - Please call the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Home Modification and Maintenance Service on 9847 6503 for more information.
- My Aged Care Brochure
- Commonwealth Home Support Programme Guide
- Home Modification and Maintenance Services Directory Northern Sydney Region - 557kb
Dementia Resources and Contacts
Dementia Australia NSW
Local: 1800 100 500
National: 02 9449 3576
CCBN - Community Care + Wellbeing
Phone: 1300 002 262
Northern Sydney Dementia Advisory Service
Carers Support
Pennant Hills Dementia Carers Group
Phone:02 9485 7588&
Location: Pennant Hills Community Health Centre
5 Fisher Avenue, Pennant Hills
Web: cpsa.org.au/atlas/pennant-hills-dementia-carers-group/
Chantal Dementia Day and Overnight Respite Cottage Service & Weekend Respite Care
Phone: 02 9489 3592
Location: McQuoin Park, 28 McAuley Place, Waitara
Web: www.catholiccommunityservices.com.au