Community Directory
The directory provides information about groups and organisations that offer services, support or activities in the local area, or have specific relevance to our local community.
Search the Community Directory
You will find these types of groups and organisations in the directory:
- Government organisations and sponsored events, projects and programs
- Council organisations and sponsored events, projects and programs
- Not-for-profit organisations providing services in these areas:
- aged, youth and disability
- arts, crafts, and culture
- emergency
- education
- environment and conservation
- family and domestic violence
- health
- social and practical support
- sport and recreation
- tourism facilities
- transport
For-profit organisations are typically not included unless they offer a service that not-for-profit organisations do not provide. The directory may include non-political organisations that are consistent with Council’s strategic objectives.
All information is supplied by individual service providers and no guarantee can be given as to its accuracy. All details are subject to change without notice. Inclusion of information in the directory should not be taken as an endorsement or recommendation of that organisation, group, service or individual.
Hornsby Shire Council does not accept liability for loss of any kind resulting from the use made by any person of the information in this list. Hornsby Shire Council takes no responsibility for outdated information. Please refer to Council’s disclaimer statement.
More information and assistance
For more information about the community information directory, please contact:
Information Services Librarian
Tel: (02) 9847 6303 (Tue & Wed only)
Add or Update a Listing
To add your organisation, complete the online form.
Inclusion is in the directory is free, however Council reserves the right to exclude submissions that do not meet the acceptance criteria, and to modify information provided to ensure consistency and quality.
To update your details, look up your listing in the directory and then click on the Report an error link to notify us of any updates.
Annual review
To ensure the directory remains current and accurate, all organisations are contacted by email once a year, with three reminders to review their listing.
If no response is received by the third reminder the listing will be removed from the directory.
Privacy Statement
The information requested by Council on the Community Information Directory online form may constitute personal information under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
Council is allowed to collect the information from you to consider this matter. Supplying this information is voluntary. However, if you cannot or do not wish to provide this information, we may not be able to add your organisation to the directory.
Please refer to Council’s privacy statement and direct any questions or concerns to the Privacy Contact Officer at