Unattended Vehicles
Council officers investigate reports of unattended property including vehicles in public places. Unattended vehicles on private property are managed by the landowner and occupier of the premises.
It is not the intention of Council to take action against registered vehicles or trailers that are reasonably parked on the road, and within supervision of the owners.
The focus of Council is on unsafe vehicles, unregistered vehicles or registered vehicles unable to be driven because of their physical condition, to get them removed from public places or vehicles that are being stored on the road in public places (parks or ovals).
Report an abandoned / Unattended vehicle
Check if the vehicle is registered on Service NSW.
- If the vehicle is unregistered, report it to Council.
- If the vehicle, such as a trailer or caravan is registered but is being stored outside parks, ovals or other public places, or is a vehicle that is undriveable (damaged) report it to Council. We will investigate, take action if required or able and notify you of the outcome.
Report abandoned or unattended vehicle
Unregistered vehicles
It is illegal to leave an unregistered vehicle on a road or road-related area.
This includes areas used by the public, such as a footpath or nature strip.
Council may issue fines to unregistered vehicles in public places.
Non Compliance
Failure to comply with The Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 and accompanying Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Regulation 2022 (PDF 240kb) (which came into force on 1 November 2022) can result in further penalties being imposed on a person who abandons a motor vehicle in a public place.
These new laws repeal and replace the outdated Impounding Act 1993 and help protect our valuable public spaces from abandoned and unattended items.
The laws provide councils and other public land managers with stronger powers and penalties to clear our footpaths, streets, parks, bushland and waterways of abandoned and unattended property.
It also creates a strong incentive for people to take responsibility for their property in public, including vehicles, shopping trolleys and animals.
Under the new laws owners and others responsible for private property left in public, such as unregistered and unattended vehicles and unattended trailers, face stronger regulatory action if they do not remove their property within risk-based timeframes.
These reforms were developed following widespread consultation with councils, members of the public, industry/business groups, retailers, peak bodies and government agencies.
Find out more about the new laws and what they mean for you.
Impounded Vehicles
For information on collecting impounded vehicles contact Council’s Contractor.
The Contractor’s details are located on the impound notices sent to the customer.
Pickles customer service
Phone: 1300 052 392
Email: info@pickles.com.au