
Drug and Drink Driving Penalties

Drink and Drug Driving Laws

Combined drink and drug driving offence

There are harsher penalties if you are detected with an illegal level of alcohol as well as illicit drugs present in your system. Combining the two offences is to deter high-risk behaviour and send a clear message to drivers that they are putting themselves and others at significant risk when mixing alcohol and drugs with driving and this behaviour will not be tolerated on NSW roads. For more information, visit Combined drink and drug driving offence.

Drink driving

To deter you from drink driving, people need to perceive that there is a high risk of getting caught. We remind all motorists that drink driving carries a high risk of enforcement, and the penalties are very serious.

In NSW there are three levels of blood alcohol limits for drivers: zero, 0.02, and 0.05.

blood alcohol content limits

If you are convicted at court for drink or drug driving the conviction will remain on your criminal record for the rest of your life.  Courts can also impose heavy fines, a disqualification for a lengthily period, or even prison terms.  For more information visit Drink and drug driving penalties.

Drink driving a vessel

Hornsby Shire is lucky to be sitting on the northern boarder of the picturesque Hawkesbury River, dotted with plenty of waterside towns that are perfect to visit for a day out filled with swimming, fishing, and boating.

Alcohol limits apply when driving a vessel just as they do when driving a vehicle. You must not drive a vessel when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

For more information visit Alcohol limits when driving a boat.