Why do traffic rangers take photos? Isn’t it an invasion of privacy, especially around schools?
The taking of photos in public areas by enforcement agencies is universal practice across all jurisdictions. Traffic rangers take photos to prove an infringement was correctly issued. Since the practice was adopted the number of disputed penalty notices has been greatly reduced. Rangers are only interested in taking a photo of the vehicle and the relevant sign or road marking. They avoid including people where possible.
Photographs taken by Council’s Traffic Rangers are stored in a secure manner. Each photo has an identification code and access to the photos is strictly limited to authorised Council staff. The registered owner of the vehicle or the nominated driver may obtain a copy of a photo for a small fee ($16.40 at July 2019) using the following form: Council parking infringement photo request form.
Useful links
- NSW road rules - More information about traffic and parking regulations.
- Revenue NSW - More information about your options if you receive a penalty notice.
- Parking legally in school zones
- Fees and Charges
Looking for your infringement photos?
In the first instance, please go the NSW State Revenue website and enter your Penalty Notice Number and the Date of Offence.
If you are unable to find photos of your infringement on the NSW State Revenue website, please fill in a Council parking infringement photo request form.