Halls and Meeting Rooms
Hornsby Shire Council operates 23 Halls and Meeting Rooms that exist for the use and enjoyment of the public. These venues are available for a range of activities.
Cherrybrook – Gumnut Community Centre
For bookings, please contact: 0483 312 830 or dwmenzies@bigpond.com
Cherrybrook – Gumnut Community Centre
For bookings, please contact: 0483 312 830 or dwmenzies@bigpond.com
For all hire across Hornsby Shire Council’s network of Community Venues, General Conditions of Hire exist to ensure the public and the venues are kept safe and secure.
The General Conditions of Hire Community Venues cover important issues such as:
- Hirer responsibilities
- Alcohol consumption in public halls
- Public Liability Insurance requirements
- High risk functions
- Cancellation terms
Prior to booking a venue, it is essential to read the General Conditions of Hire Community Venues and understand. If you have any questions regarding the General Conditions of Hire, please contact the Venue Management Team on vmt@hornsby.nsw.gov.au or 9847 6050.
Please note:
- Some venues have AV equipment installed, and microphones available for use. If these are not operating at time of hire there will be no reduction to fees.
- In the event of an extreme emergency 000 should be called in the first instance. Should there be an electrical fault or alike due to the hirers function within the venue, associated fees will be invoiced to the hirer.
Seasonal Hirers are those groups or individuals hiring the same Council venues 10 or more times per calendar year with a Seasonal Hire Agreement (unless otherwise specified within Fees and Charges).
Seasonal Hire is by application only for each calendar year. Seasonal hire bookings will not be accepted for Friday after 5pm or on Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise specified.
Seasonal Hirers who cancel three consecutive months, will forfeit the remainder of their bookings and time slot.
Hirers who have been granted permission to use a storage area within a venue are to provide Council a key or code to enable access to all storage areas, both internal and external. It is a requirement of the Hirer to ensure no chemicals, dangerous and/or flammable goods are store on Council managed property at any time. Council cannot guarantee storage facilities for Hirers and historical arrangements may change with prior notification from Council. Council reserves the right to review the allocation of storagefor Hirers at any time. In such instances, a minimum of four (4) weeks notice will be provided to the hirer.
Both seasonal and regular hire bookings are non-transferable and Council does not accept tentative bookings or alterations. The Seasonal Hire fee and Not For Profit fee apply to yearly, Seasonal Hire Agreements only. Fees for Seasonal Hire vary between venues and are calculated and invoiced in advance on a monthly basis.
Payment of a seasonal hire application processing fee is required prior to commencing hire – see Fees and Charges.
Not for Profit - Seasonal Hire
A Not for Profit organisation is defined by the Australian Charity and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) as ‘An organisation that does not operate for the profit, personal gain or other benefit of particular people’.
If your organisation would like to request the Not for Profit fee, evidence of registration with the ACNC must be enclosed with the seasonal hire application to vmt@hornsby.nsw.gov.au.
Please note, unless otherwise stated, the Not for Profit rate, can only be applied to bookings that occur on weekdays prior to Friday 5pm.
Do you require Public Liability Insurance to hire a Council Community Venue?
The hirer must arrange public liability insurance for not less than $20,000,000 for the duration of the hiring activity. Private insurance arrangements are to be organised if the hirer or third party:
- Is a sporting body, registered club, association, corporation or incorporated body.
- Is undertaking a commercial or profit-making activity.
Individuals or community groups who are not undertaking the activities mentioned above, will be covered up to $20,000,000 by Council’s Regular Hirers Public Liability Policy.
Hirers should note that a two thousand dollar ($2,000.00) excess is applicable to Council’s Regular Hirers Public Liability Policy. Where any claim for property damage or personal injury is made against this Policy, this excess of $2,000.00 is payable by the hirer.
Hirer’s employing professionals, i.e. fairies, catering, disc jockeys and the like, should make enquiries to establish they also have adequate public liability cover in effect.
Special conditions may be imposed for some types of events including, but not limited to additional security requirements, traffic control plans, high risk conditions, safe work method statements and/or event safety plan.
Public liability insurance must be in the same name as recorded on the booking. Should a hirer’s public liability insurance policy expire during the term of hire, it is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure continuity of cover for the entire hire period. A lapse of insurance constitutes a breach of the General Conditions of Hire Community Venues. Council may at any time request evidence of such public liability cover.
For a more detailed explanation of Conditions, please read through the General Conditions of Hire Community Venues.
To apply as a Seasonal Hirer with Hornsby Shire Council, please review features and suitability within our network of community venues and contact the Venue Management Team through email via vmt@hornsby.nsw.gov.au or phone 9847 6050.
Regular Hirers are those groups or individuals hiring the same Council venue no more than nine times per calendar year. Bookings for regular hire must be processed through Council’s website via the online booking system. Hire charges for regular bookings are payable online at the time of booking.
Hirer’s employing professionals, i.e. fairies, catering, disc jockeys and the like, should make enquiries to establish they have adequate public liability cover in effect.
Children’s parties – ages 0-15
Hornsby Shire Council has various venues suitable for children’s birthday parties. Some venues have playgrounds and offer plenty of outdoor space in order for them to spread out and enjoy the party fun.
High Risk events
Special conditions may be imposed for some types of events including, but not limited to additional security requirements, traffic control plans, high risk conditions, safe work method statements and/or event safety plans.
- A security deposit is required for high-risk events. If at the conclusion of the hire, if there are no breaches to the Terms and Conditions of hire, the security deposit will be refunded in line with the hirer’s financial institution. Security deposit amounts are published in Council’s Fees and Charges.
- Council has several designated facilities suitable for high-risk events. High risk functions are considered to be, but not limited to 16 – 21-year-old birthday parties, youth events, large crowd events and live music events. The hirer must be at least 21 years of age to hire a Council venue for a high-risk function and will be required to provide 100 points of identification prior to confirmation of the booking.
- Council and NSW Police have implemented a joint procedure for managing high risk events at Council owned facilities in order to minimise the potential risk to the public and Council property.
- High risk functions are subject to special conditions and therefore, require at least four (4) weeks’ notice to be considered for approval.
- Licensed security guards holding a certificate of currency for public liability for no less than twenty million dollars ($20,000,000.00) must be employed at high-risk functions for the duration of the function/event. Evidence of security guard employment and insurance is to be provided to Council not less than 30 days prior to the booking. A minimum of one licensed security guard for up to 50 guests and thereafter, a ratio of one licensed security guard for every additional 50 guests.
- The event must not be openly advertised without prior written consent from Council. This includes advertising via the internet including social media and forums. To minimise opportunities for uninvited guests, only one (1) door of the venue should be used for exit and entry with supervision from hired security guards and responsible adults to be provided at all times.
- A NSW Police Force Notification to Take and Consume Alcohol in Public Halls must be obtained from the Local Area Command (Police station) to allow the entry and or consumption of alcohol at any Council owned venue. Council is to be provided with a copy of the authorised form not less than 14 days prior to the booking.
Do you require Public Liability Insurance to hire a Council Community Venue?
The hirer must arrange public liability insurance for not less than $20,000,000 for the duration of the hiring activity. Private insurance arrangements are to be organised if the hirer or third party:
- Is a sporting body, registered club, association, corporation or incorporated body.
- Is undertaking a commercial or profit-making activity.
Individuals or community groups who are not undertaking the activities mentioned above, will be covered up to $20,000,000 by Council’s Regular Hirers Public Liability Policy.
Hirers should note that a two thousand dollar ($2,000.00) excess is applicable to Council’s Regular Hirers Public Liability Policy. Where any claim for property damage or personal injury is made against this Policy, this excess of $2,000.00 is payable by the hirer.
Hirer’s employing professionals, i.e. fairies, catering, disc jockeys and the like, should make enquiries to establish they also have adequate public liability cover in effect.
Special conditions may be imposed for some types of events including, but not limited to additional security requirements, traffic control plans, high risk conditions, safe work method statements and/or event safety plan.
Each year Hornsby Shire Council publishes Fees and Charges for public comment. Once the consultation process is complete, the Fees and Charges are then adopted for the new financial year.
- Hire charges for Season Hirers will be calculated and invoiced in advance, monthly. Invoices are payable online on the first business day each month. If payment is not received by the due date, action will be taken to recover the amounts dues and the access code may be removed.
- Council reviews fees and charges in line with the financial calendar year (July – June). Any changes will be effective from 1 July each year. Changes to fees and charges will apply to existing bookings for the applicable period following the date of adoption by Council. Draft fees and charges are placed on exhibition in April – May each year for the upcoming financial year on Council's website. It is the Hirer's responsibility to review the draft fees and charges and to keep abreast of any forthcoming changes.
Community Centre Online Bookings
To book a Community Centre, please click on the button below.
Book a Community CentreContact Us
Venue Management Team
General Enquiries
9847 6050
Committee or Leased Community Venue
Berowra District Hall
Cherrybrook – Gumnut Community Centre
0483 312 830