Signs and Banners
Signs and banners can be an important way for community groups and business to advertise and communicate. However, the display of unauthorised signage can cause amenity and safety impacts in the Hornsby Shire.
The display of certain types of signage and banners including real estate signs, home business signs and community banners can be considered as exempt development (not requiring consent), provided the signage complies with the relevant standards.
Further information on exempt signage and reporting any unauthorised signage can be found in the sections below.
Exempt Community Banners in the Hornsby Shire
Short-term community banners in the Hornsby Shire can be displayed at the locations listed below without consent subject to the following:
- The banner is a temporary advertisement for a religious, cultural, political, social or recreational event only
- Maximum area of 4m2
- Sponsorship information is a maximum of 20% of the total area of the banner displayed at the venue or the sponsor’s premises
- The banner is erected a maximum of 28 days before the event
- The banner is removed within seven days following the event
- Maximum of six banners are erected in association with the event at separate locations including the venue
- The banner should not be attached to a tree.
Suburb | Location |
Berowra | Corner Yallambee Road & Pacific Highway |
Pacific Highway & Windybanks Interchange | |
Pacific Highway (near Berowra Train Station) | |
Brooklyn | Pacific Highway opposite Brooklyn Road intersection |
Cherrybrook | Corner Shepherds & New Line Road |
Galston | Corner Galston Road & Mid-Dural Road |
Hornsby | Pacific Highway opposite Edgeworth David Avenue |
Mount Colah | Belmont Parade opposite Ku-ring-Gai Chase Road |
Mount Ku-ring-Gai | Corner Pacific Highway & Amaroo Road |
Pennant Hills | Corner Beaumont Road & Pacific Highway |
Thornleigh | Yarrara Road opposite Steven’s Street |
Corner Pennant Hills Road & Duffy Avenue | |
Schools | Banners located on school sites advertising ancillary school achievements |
Churches | Banners located on church sites advertising ancillary church achievements |
Parks, playing fields and recreational areas | Banners located within parks, play fields and recreational Council activities/events |
Exempt Development Signage
The display of certain types of signage and banners including real estate signs, home business signs and temporary event signs can be considered as exempt development (not requiring consent), provided the signage complies with the relevant standards including the exempt development standards under Division 2 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (the SEPP).
Some examples of signs that can be displayed as exempt development under the SEPP and the relevant standards are listed in the dropdowns below. For more information, please refer to Advertising and Signage | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment and the related fact sheet: Advertising & Signage Exempt Development Factsheet
For a sign giving information about a public/community institution or organisation, or advertising its services or activities on a site, the exempt development standards are:
- Must comply with the general requirements for exempt development and general requirements for advertising and signage under the SEPP
- Only one sign facing any road frontage
- Maximum area of 3.5m2
- The sign must be no higher than 5m above ground level
- The sign must be wholly located within the boundaries of the site
- The sign must not be illuminated.
If the sign is a heritage item or draft heritage item, the sign cannot be attached to the building.
For signage or banners advertising a commercial, community or retail event or a private function (including sponsorship of the event or function), the development standards are:
- Must comply with the general requirements for exempt development and general requirements for advertising and signage under the SEPP
- Only one banner and one other type of temporary sign facing any road frontage
- Maximum area of 6m2
- The signage must be located within the property boundary, or if on a building, wall or fence, it must not project more than 100mm
- The signage must be no higher than 5m above ground level
- The signage must be temporary
- If the banner is for a commercial or retail event, it must not be constructed or installed in a residential zone
- It must not be illuminated and cannot be displayed earlier than 14 days before the event.
- It must be removed 2 days after the event.
Temporary signs advertising properties for sale or rent must be placed within the property for sale or rent. The development standards for developments of between one to 9 dwellings are:
- Must comply with the general requirements for exempt development and general requirements for advertising and signage under the SEPP
- Only one sign for each parcel of land or dwelling
- maximum size of 1.5 m² in area
- the sign must be no higher than 3 m above ground level
- the sign must not be externally illuminated
- the sign must be removed within 14 days of the sale or before construction starts on the land.
In any other case:
- must comply with the general requirements for exempt development and general requirements for advertising and signage under the SEPP
- Only one sign per road frontage
- maximum size 10 m²
- the sign must be no higher than 5 m above ground level
- the sign must not be illuminated
- the sign must be removed within 14 days of the sale.
For heritage items or draft heritage items, signs must not be attached to the building.
For land subdivision of lots more than 10:
- Must comply with the general requirements for exempt development and general requirements for advertising and signage under the SEPP
- maximum size 10 m²
- the sign must be no higher than 5 m above ground
- the sign must be correctly installed
- the sign must be removed when 90% of lots are sold or within 2 years.
These are a type of business identification sign (including signs for home business) that are either flat-mounted or painted on the exterior wall of an existing building or on an existing boundary fence or wall. The wall signs must:
- Must comply with the general requirements for exempt development and general requirements for advertising and signage under the SEPP
- not be located on a heritage item or draft heritage item
- be attached to the building in which the business identified in the sign is located
- not be more than 2.5m above ground level (existing) in a residential zone, and not be more than 8m above ground level (existing) in any other zone
- not cover any window, door or architectural feature
- not be located in a heritage conservation or draft heritage conservation area
- have only 4 business signs for each building and one sign for each elevation
- not be larger than these maximum sizes: home business: 1 m², business zones: 2.5 m² and 5 m² & industrial zone: 16 m² or not more than 20% of the surface area of the wall.
If illuminated, the sign must comply with requirements on illumination under the SEPP.
Approval may be required for some advertising signage. For more information refer to the NSW Government Planning Portal. If you need advice on the approval process, contact Council's Town Planning Team.
If you have any concerns about unauthorised signage that is causing a safety hazard or obstruction in Hornsby Shire, you can ask Council to investigate.