
Operating a Food Premises

catering kitchen

How do I register a retail food premises

All food premises must be registered with Council. When a food premises changes proprietor these details must be updated.

How do I register a home-based food premises?

If you are interested in setting up a food business, such as catering, from a domestic residence you need to check whether the food premises will require development consent from Council. Please refer to Council’s FAQs on Do I need a development application.

After obtaining a permission to operate a food business from your residential address you are required to notify a regulatory body of your business details before you start operating.

Prior to the commencement of the business, the business operator is requested to notify Council’s Health Team of the business’ details by completing a Home based food Premises Notification Form.

To arrange an inspection for compliance against the relevant legislation in regards to design and fit out of the food premises please contact Council’s Administration Officer on 9847 6039.

Find out more on how to set up a food business from a residential premises.

Do you want to be prepared for your next food safety inspection?

Perform a self check by going through the Food Premises Assessment Report (FPAR) yourself

How do I raise concerns about a food premises?

Council investigates complaints regarding food premises. If you have concerns about a food premises you can ask Council to investigate using the following link.