Noise complaint management at licensed premises
From the 1 July 2024, due to legislative changes, Liquor and Gaming NSW (L&GNSW) became the regulator for noise complaints about licensed premises.
What does this mean?
L&GNSW are now the regulator for the following types of noise from a licensed premises:
- Amplified and live music
- Use of speakers and PA systems for announcements
- Other forms of entertainment, such as, karaoke, trivia, bingo, comedy and raffles
- Patron noise, including noise from patrons entering and exiting, talking, singing to music
- Patron behaviour when leaving a venue, including anti-social behaviour, yelling or swearing
What will Councils role be?
As a result of these changes, Council no longer has authority to investigate noise from the operation of a licenced premises.
Should Council receive any complainants regarding noise from the operation of a licenced premises, Council will refer the complaint to L&GNSW to lodge their concerns.
Where appropriate, Council will continue to investigate noise from non-licenced premises and noise from the following sources at a licensed premises:
- Noise from waste disposal and collection
- Noise from deliveries
- Noise from mechanical and industrial noise including ventilation, air conditioners, kitchen exhaust fan systems and refrigeration units
Read more about Council's role in noise complaints and what you can do.
What should I do if I have concerns regarding noise from a licenced premises?
Licenced premises and local residents are encouraged to work together to resolve noise concerns. Should there be no resolution, residents can lodge a complaint through L&GNSW.
For further information on noise from licenced premisses please refer to: Sound regulation in licensed premises - Liquor & Gaming NSW.