

Hornsby Shire Council has strict compliance policies that businesses must adhere to to ensure the safety and wellbeing of workers and the community.

Hornsby Shire Council aims to maintain, protect and promote improvements in public health for the safety and wellbeing of the community.
public health

Public Health

Building owners are responsible for the maintenance of essential fire safety services installed in their building. Council has a statutory duty in pursuing the fulfilment of legislative requirements governing fire safety.
fire safety

Fire Safety

Council is responsible for signs and banners throughout the Shire and can investigate unauthorised signage.
signs on fence

Signs and Banners

Awnings over public land can cause a significant hazard, including fatalities, and their safety is the responsibility of the building's owner.

Awnings over Public Land

All boarding houses must be registered with NSW Fair Trading and inspected by Council.
boarding house

Boarding Houses

There are a number of residential and rural zones in Hornsby Shire where it is possible to establish a business in your home.
home office

Home Business

Outdoor Dining helps to create a more vibrant and cosmopolitan atmosphere in the commercial centres of Hornsby Shire.
outdoor dining

Outdoor Dining

Underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) can leak and contaminate surrounding land and groundwater, creating risks to human health and the environment.
underground petroleum storage

Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS) and Vapour Recovery (VR)

Civil enforcement is action taken in Court to remedy or restrain a breach of an Act.
civil law

Civil Enforcement

Information about noise and complaints relating to licensed premises, including the July 2024 legislative changes.
Rock Band with Guitarists and Drummer Performing at a Concert in a Night Club

Noise complaint management at licensed premises